Westwood High School J-Term
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I register for J-Term shopping?
A. Click here to access the Google form
Q. How do I register for J-Term Courses?
A. A course registration Google form will be emailed. It will also be posted here on 1/8/25 and will close 1/13/25.
Q. When is J-Term?
A. For 2025, J-Term is tentatively scheduled for T 6/10, W 6/11, Th 6/12, F 6/13, M 6/16
Each additional inclement weather day would push back J-Term one day further.
Q. How many days will J-Term be?
A. Each course is 4.5 days
Q. Why 4.5 days...is that last day a half day?
A. Yes. The last day of J-Term 2024 will be a half-day with dismissal at 11:35am, but the time will be spent in J-term courses. There will be no lunch service on the final day.
Q. Can I take the same course as I did last year?
A. No
Q. How will the courses be graded?
A. J-Term courses will be offered on a pass/fail basis.
Q. Will students get academic credit for J-Term?
A. Yes. J-Term courses will count as 1.25 academic credits and will appear on students’ transcripts.
Q. Is there an attendance policy for J-Term?
A. Because the learning experience of J-Term is packed into a short time period, students are expected to attend the entirety of their J-Term course. If a student anticipates that they will miss more than 1 day of J-Term, the student or parent should contact a school administrator in advance of J-Term. Students who miss more than 1 day of their course without providing advanced notice to an administrator will receive a designation on their transcript that they did not receive credit for J-Term. Regarding tardies and dismissals, a student who misses 90 minutes in a given day will be considered absent.
Q. Will all courses be co-taught?
A. Most J-Term courses are taught by a team of teachers, often across departments. A small group of courses are taught by a single teacher.
Q. Will special education services continue to be offered during J-Term?
A. Special education services will continue to be offered during J-Term. IEPs for all special education students will be provided to each course instructor. Special education staff who are not teaching J-Term courses will also be available for students throughout the week.
Q. How is course registration decided?
A. We do our best to find the best-fit course for each student. After gathering information from course descriptions and a "shopping" experience on January 7, students prioritize their course choices according to their interests. We use this information to create a J-Term program that is balanced and provides an exciting, valuable learning experience for all students, fitting students into their first-choice option when we can.
Q. What are the hours of the school day during the week of J-term?
A. One of the most exciting benefits of the J-term program is that it allows teachers and students to explore new interests independent of our conventional school day. Generally speaking, students will spend the same amount of time in the course that they would have for school days on an ordinary week (roughly 6-7 hours per day). Courses whose schedules fall outside the 8:15am-2:55pm window will do their best to communicate the course's schedule.
Q. Will there be a cost associated with J-Term courses?
A. Yes, there will be a student activity fee. For the Scuba course, however, students will need to pay a fee to cover equipment rental and certification. Waivers are available for students with financial hardships.
Don't see your question here? Contact Ms. Davenport at adavenport@westwood.k12.ma.us.