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J-Term 2025 Course Catalog 
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Destination Exploration:
A Day in the Life....

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Painting with Purpose


Hikes and Treks

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Beyond BTS:
Exploring Asian Culture



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The World of Video Games


DIY/Home Improvement

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I'd Rather be Reading

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Learn to Sail


Farm to Fork:
Grow Green, Eat Local

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Star Wars:
Return of the J-Term

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Faster, Better, Stronger:
Be your own Fitness Pal

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Artistic Investigation: Animals & Beyond


Become a Certified

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Under the Sea:
Methods of Oceanic Research

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Helping Our Community

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Less Stress, More Rest


Paddling through the Past: Exploring the History and Literature of Early Massachusetts, in Canoes

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So You Think You Can Rock?

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The Great Outdoors

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Service-Based Learning
in the Dominican Republic (FULL)


The Mystery Society:
Puzzling Cases and Great Escapes 

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Pursuit of Happiness: Analyzing the Concept of Joy

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Is Magic Real?

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Summit Squad

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Unified J-Term

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The Great J-Term Bake-Off

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Shooting For Par:
Golf History, Community, & Skills

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